This article is not about how you lose weight or how you get muscle-up, Its about how you can stay in a good shape while being busy with your day today life.
Table of Contents
ToggleSimple Ways To Maintain Your Body Shape
Physical fitness is not only of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity – John F. Kennedy
In today’s fast paced life, staying healthy and fit demands extra effort and a lot of commitment. That is the reason why most of us procrastinate on the idea of setting up a daily workout schedule that would not interfere with our day to day activities. Every day we make a solemn promise that ‘I will surely begin tomorrow’, till that ‘tomorrow’ becomes a myth. And then one fine day our health totally gives up on us, leaving us with a whole lot of regret and disappointment. So guys, it’s always better to be safe than to be sorry, isn’t it?
To break the norm, you have to become a trend setter and without a concrete plan, life is definitely going to get in your way. It’s very important how you manage your work and study time to dedicate some of it for your health. Today, I am going to share some very useful tips on how to crack the perfect work-health fitness balance formula.
Walk And Sprint Through Your Chores
Always be on the move. Walk whenever you can, as much as you can. Find opportunities to walk more. Walk your way to the bus stop or park your vehicle farther away from your office entrance so that you walk up to it. Believe me, even a few meters brisk walking counts. Make yourself habitual to sprint the stairs instead of using lifts. It has proved to be great for heart health.
Wash Away Your Troubles In Water
We often overlook the benefits of drinking water which is vital for the functioning of our bodies. Staying hydrated is a necessity. Keep a glass filled with water at your work desk or carry a bottle with you when at home. The general thumb rule for an average healthy person is consuming at least 8-10 glasses per day. One of the main advantages of drinking water is that it enables weight loss and grants a beautiful glowing skin, both of which are great personality enhancers.
Eat Healthy And All The Way Through Your Own Heart
Keep munching on healthy snacks, something that won’t look awkward even if you are commuting or at work, like fruits or salads or dry-fruits. When rushing to work or busy with chores at home, you often tend to skip meals and at such times it is essential to keep such healthy and time saving meals aside to munch on.
Workout While You Work/Burn Calories While You Cook
Cooking can be tempting as well as frustrating at times when you know you are gaining calories every day and not being able to do anything about it. Well, let me tell you how to convert this disadvantage to your advantage with a few simple kitchen workouts. All you need to do is put on some rocking music and start right away with these high intensity, no equipment workouts.
1. Push-ups at the counter :
While you’re waiting for the veggies to cook or the casserole to get ready, you could spare a few minutes for those counter push-ups. Lean over at your kitchen table or counter, such that your body is in straight line against the floor. Then push up your body using the strength of your hands, breathing in as you go up. Come back down to your original position, breathing out as you do so. You can repeat the same for around five minutes in the beginning and then go on to increase the time period as per affordability.
2. Squats: 
These are the best thigh shapers. Stand keeping your feet shoulder width apart. Hold on to the counter for balance and lower your body in to a squat position, your knees almost a 90-degree angle. Repeat the same, eventually leaving the hold on the counter and taking your hands behind your head, fingers interlaced. You can also go for a wall squat for stronger core and upper legs. All you need to do is stand straight against the wall in your kitchen, arms at the sides, feet shoulder-width apart and lower your body in to squat position, thighs parallel to the floor. Hold it for as long as you can and return to your original standing position.
3. Jumping Jacks:
This is simple and fun to do. Stand with your legs straight and arms at sides. Then jump up raising both hands above your head and feet spreading apart hip-width. Then return to your start position and repeat.
4. Stretch and Oblique:
Stand with your feet hip-distance apart, keeping knees slightly bent and hands behind the head. Bend forward from the hips, bringing your upper half of the body towards the floor, back straight. Count till five and raise your body to the original position. Repeat this a few times.
Then in the same initial position, instead of bending forward, bend sideways from the waist as far as you possibly can on your right and then on your left. Repeat the same several times and you’re done.
5. Arm exercises :
Again while you wait for your food to cook or bake, pick up two pans of equal sizes and go for those lateral raises. Hold the pans in both hands, slowly lifting them out to the sides until your arms are parallel to the floor. Count to five and bring them down. Repeat the same, aiming for at least 6-8 reps in the beginning.
Points To Shape In At Work
Quite a few workplaces are developing a fitness culture these days, some of them surprisingly even paying their employees to exercise at work. But that doesn’t mean we all have that advantage at hand. So what we can do is make the best of what we do have.
- Begin by training your mind to get your body used to walking around whenever and wherever possible. Whether it is to get some fresh air on the terrace or a break to talk to a colleague, you need to seek every opportunity to walk around your office as long as it doesn’t create any disturbance.
- Challenges are known to make you more responsible. What you can do is challenge your colleagues to do a little workout with you at a time that suits all and go on to make it a kind of daily routine. Challenging them will not just make you stick to your goal but also motivate the others to keep fit together.
- Adding a fifteen minute workout after every work day can end a lot of your ‘slogging all day’ miseries and also rejuvenate your mind. If you’ve been sitting most part of the day and have that bad shoulder or back ache, you could try out a few minutes yoga stretches to relax the upper and lower back or the upper trapezius stretch for the neck and shoulders.
Besides, you can always find the time for a little brisk walking or biking or perhaps dancing after you come home. That is a sure day changer, if you are tempted to try and see it for yourself.